Audio Sets

If you’re looking for audio study material, then you’ve come to the right place! Our audio sets provide a valuable review of exam topics ranging from assessment and vocational evaluation to mental health counseling and disability management. Choose from the full combo set (total of 15 CDs) or purchase the downloadable sets. Each CD is approximately 50 minutes long. Enjoy FREE SHIPPING!
CRC Full Set (15 CDs)
Group 1: Assessment, Appraisal and Vocational Eval Part 1
Information Gathering
Problem Identification
Scaling Questions
Closed-Ended Questions
Social History and Collateral Data
Biopsychosocial History and Collateral Data
Components of the Initial Interview
MSE - Attention, Concentration and Memory
MSE - Consciousness, Speech, Mood and Affect
MSE - Orientation and Intellectual Ability
The Mini-Mental State Exam - preview
Language Assessment and Intervention with Bilingual Clients
Assessment Tools Overview
Memory Tests
Neuropsychological Tests
Standardized Psychological Assessment Tests
Language Testing
Hearing Screening
Relational Diagnostics Tests
Social Skills Tests
Values Inventories
Research Methodology and Psychometrics
Four Types of Validity
Determining the Reliability of Assessment Procedures
Correlation Coefficients
Leiter-R - Leiter International Performance Scale
PPVT-4 - Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
Raven's Progressive Matrices
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales
Wechsler (WAIS-IV) and (WISC-IV) and (WPPSI-III)

Digital Audios information and download instructions.
The Digital Audio Set is the same content as the Audio set delivered physically, but in a downloadable format. The content will be delivered to you via a download link by email or from the My Orders Page. The file you download is a ZIP file which contains several folders for each disc in the set and each folder contains each track in MP3 format.

This format allows you to put them on your phone or other mobile device and listen to them anywhere.

For instructions on how to get them on your device, see below.

For iPad or iPhone:

Option 1:

1. Download the zipped file of mp3s to your computer.
2. Unzip the folder to your desktop.
3. Open iTunes and add the mp3s to your itunes.
4. Follow these instructions to transfer them to your device:

Option 2:

1. Download the app iZip for free: iZip
2. Click the download link for the mp3s. It should ask if you want to Open in "iZip". Click that.
3. When it finishes downloading it should ask: "Would you like to extract all files?". Click OK.
4. Then you should be able to listen to each audio file. It should show a list of all the tracks and you can just tap one and it will play.

Note: Option 2 does not allow you to put the mp3s directly into your music app. Unfortunately this is a limitation put in place by Apple and simply isn't possible without the use of itunes on a computer.

For Android:

Wikihow's instructions on putting music on your android device

The Mini-Mental State Exam

TAT - Thematic Apperception Test 

Gelatt's Decision Theory 


1954 Rehabilitation Act Amendments 

Person-Centered Therapy - Rogers 

Attachment Theory - Bowlby, Ainsworth 

Multi-Cultural Counseling 

Ethical Consideration With Culturally Different Clients 

Milan Systemic Model - Concepts 

Behavioral, REBT and TA 

Brief Psychotic Disorder 

Dissociative Amnesia 


Z-Scores, T-Scores and Percentile Ranks