There are many leadership styles; some are impersonal and detached while others emphasize a strong relationship between the client and the therapist. One of the central tasks of a group leader is to work through a client's transference toward the leader and other members of the group as it arises in the sessions. Another important role the therapist serves is to promote positive interpersonal relationships between the client and others in their lives. Other functions of the therapist:

1. Giving support to clients when appropriate
2. Helping clients to deal with resistance within themselves and other group members
3. Helping clients to explore their own behavior and the behavior of others
4. Enabling clients to take responsibility for some of the leadership functions of the group
5. Welcoming transference in order to work productively on issues leading members toward full awareness
7. Recognition that each member, in dealing with his own issues, helps other members to interpret their problems
8. Having the skills to resolve conflict among group members
9. Allowing emotional freedom in the group
10. Watching for destructive issues in the group